
Packard Logo
The Packard Motor-car Company gained acclaim early on to get a fourcylinder aluminum speedster named the "Gray Wolf," launched in 1904.
There used to be an occasion when Packard's famed "tombstone" grill symbolized unparalleled leadership in American car luxury, Fashion As well as engineering. Yet while to possess a Packard signified membership within the social aristocracy, Packards were a lot more than icons of the affluent for the business was among the cornerstones of the automobile industry. 
Packard became one of the very first American racing vehicles to be on sale to the public. With the 1916 launch of the Twin Six, with its ground-breaking V-12 motor, Packard established itself as the state's top luxurycar maker. 
Packards had big, square bodies that implied an elegant solidity, and also the business was celebrated for the hand-completed focus to detail. In the 1930s, but, the exceptional resources of General Motors and also the accomplishment of its V-16 engine pushed Cadillac previous Packard as the highest luxury car in The usa. Packard diversified by creating a smaller, less expensive version, the One Twenty, which raised the firm's income. The coming of World War II stopped consumer auto production within america. In the post-war years, Packard fought as Cadillac kept a firm hold to the luxury-car industry and also the media saddled the lumbering Packard with names like "tub" or "pregnant elephant."
With sales dwindling from the 1950s, Packard merged with the much bigger Studebaker Company in the hope of reducing its production costs. The brand new Packard-Studebaker became the fourth-largest maker of autos within the state. Studebaker was fighting too, however, and finally dropped all its large cars including the Packard. 
Stay hallmarks of the business for almost 60 years
plummeting sales new investors pressured Detroit Packard production to discontinue and on June 25, 1956 the
last authentic Packard was assembled. They were only, while Packards were assembled through 1958 Studebakers with various trimming. The closing sad chapter in the long run of Packard came in 1962 when Studebaker shed Packard from the organization name. Studebaker ceased automobile production in 1966.
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